Battle Beyond the Sun

Battle Beyond the Sun is the Englishdubbed, reedited U.S. version of Nebo Zovyot, a 1959 Soviet science fiction film directed by Mikhail Karyukov and Aleksandr Kozyr. It tells of the space race of two future nations competing to become the first to land a spacecraft on the planet Mars.

Roger Corman acquired the film for US distribution and hired a young filmschool student named Francis Ford Coppola to Westernize it. In addition to preparing a dubbing script free of antiAmerican propaganda and supervising the dubbing, Coppola filmed a few shots of two space monsters fighting and cut them into the Soviet material.According to Jack Hill, who worked on the new version it was his first paid job for Roger Corman, Coppolas idea was that one monster would look like a penis and the other a vagina. The new monster scenes were shot on a sound stage in Hollywood. Hill and Coppola also shot some footage of the Rose Bowl Parade at Pasadena. ........

Source: Wikipedia